next shared practice:
Thursday, 23.11.2023
in Studio 16 at Uferstudios
Winternal practice
I am developing this inclusive, community based format where we can intercept and propriocept together. It has an experiencial approach and is meant to be for dancers of all ages and amateurs of anatomy & bio-mechanics.
In the first part we will go inside the visible body to palpate, sculpt and draw our bones. We will bring them OUT and into the space through some experiential techniques, so that we can connect more deeply with what makes us alive.
The second part will invite us into individual and group practices, culminating in merging through movement. How does it feel to cultivate a very focused space where the bodies hidden inside are made visible through practices such as modelling clay, anatomical sketching, meditation and dance?
Bring your favorite notebook and comfortable clothes as we will play with tannin inks and use the drying time to enter the body with a bone-meditation and re-consolidating dance.
Meroe Rwh busies herself with movement and shiatsu, as well as being a practitioner of the body weather technique. She spends her time grieving, dreaming, and crafting cosmologies where internal and external environments can encounter each other.
This shared practice takes place in English w/ German translation wherever needed.
Let us know by 20.11. if you would like to participate.
Thank you!